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Stettinerstr. 5-6
49088 Osnabrück
aus 88 SHOPVOTE-Bewertungen
der letzten 12 Monate
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Antwort von am 14.12.2020 :
Dear Customer, what a pity that you didn't get in contact with us. Together with our customers we mostly find solutions. Due to the case that our website is not translated in English, maybe you didn't see the information. It reads like you bought our pantyliner in the variant classic. This model is having nothing what gives them additionally stabilization. In our webshop we mention in many texts that this model can fall out of your panty, needs additionally attention etc. Most of our customers use the classic model in combination with a model with wings or our hela model.
Antwort von am 14.12.2020 :
For example, the woman who invented this model is going with it into the mountains for climbing, is riding bicyles with it etc. But yes, she knows, that she needs to pay attention when she is going to toilette. The advantage of the Kulmines is, that you forget that they are there (you don't feel them). But this is a disadvantage at the point when you go to toilette und forget to hold them (what is necessary in case of the classic model).
Antwort von am 01.11.2020 :
Liebe Kundin, wie erfreulich, dass Sie die Produkte so angenehm finden! An einer besseren Übersicht der Größen arbeiten wir und hoffen auf Besserung. Bis dahin sind die Größen am einfachsten zu finden, indem man ein Produkt inklusive Größe und Farbe anklickt, denn dann sind beim Produkt die genauen Größen angegeben.