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Antwort von rocketronics.de am 13.12.2023 :
The need for 24V DC is printed - on the back of the control, - directly at both power connectors. - It is also written in the manual in the first section, "scope of delivery", where the "Power supply 24V/1A" is marked "Optional" - In the section "power supply" we also wrote "The control is operated with 24V DC voltage" On several places in the manual you also find that it needs 24V, as is the worldwide standard for industrial controls. You will not find an industrial control which comes with a power source included, these are always optional as all controls are integrated in a machine system with its own power sources. We do not add a 24V power source as most users won't need it. We also do not add that to all other controls we offer. You will not find a manufacturer who supplies a power source to a CNC control, cycle control or other industrial controller. I am very sorry that there was a misunderstanding, but it is very clearly written on the back of the control and also printed several times in our printed manual, which is not one of these multilanguage miniscule security warninglists you often receive nowadays, but really a very useful and complete printed manual, that it needs 24V and not 48V.